Blissed Oblivlion

Yet another happy post. I am actually surprised myself. It seems I finally have hope in humanity.

Cheers to the good energies today!

No god, no man, no infant can be the deceiver of oblivion.

I feel like a free falling life, and no one can take that away from me. I can only hope, they are on the same boat with me.


So why do I lately get so excited with the tiniest and almost meaningless of  things. I mean a simple hug would take me to the moon, and don’t even come back. A simple walk in the annoyingly noisy and super crowded town of Nairobi (which I so hate), feels like a walk under the palm trees on a calm evening on the Diani sandy beach.


I no longer crave to see the night sky full of stars. I crave to see the pure sparkle on THEIR eyes. Eyes I scantly get to gaze at for we both cannot handle the intensity of the energies between, and around us. Well at least that’s what I believe.

Our eye’s are closed by truths gentle kiss. My searchful lips find your last held secret
unfolding it reveals itself to me.
With the lapping of your passionate waves
against my shore. Now that, would be my ideal paradise (that felt lame). Yes,I am a dreamer. And your body is a temple to my youthful dreams. It’s not wrong to dream yes? It’s only but an abstract piece of art in my head.

It’s also been very weird how I recently have the strongest feels towards sad stories. I can barely watch the news. I choose to stay in my room rather than watch sad news with my folks, then have to explain why suddenly am crying. I just save us all from the agony, because honestly, I don’t know nothing! I scarcely fathom a whole lot of things, this is one of them.

Why these intense emotions though?

Is it okay?

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